Regarding our Warehouse Operators and our GPF Pickup Branches, let’s make things simple for this illustration—though, in reality, more complicated calculations would probably be applied.
The GPF will charge customers shipping/handling charges in amounts engineered to allow it to break even on such costs, including paying all members of its WSD Network.
Let’s say the GPF gives a flat $2 per item (or 4% of the $50 per-item purchase cost) to each Warehouse Operator for the services of storing GPF items and preparing and shipping items to Direct Ship customers. Direct Ship customers are those who don’t have WSD access and must have their items shipped from GPF warehouses and delivered to them by outside carriers such as the Postal Service or UPS.
Let’s also say we’ll give the Operators an additional $1 per item to deliver items to GPF Pickup Centers and an additional $2 per item to deliver items to GPF Home Delivery customers.
Next, let’s say each GPF Pickup Branch receives a $2 pickup fee each time a customer picks up a product.
All the above fees, including Direct Ship outside-carrier charges, would have already been charged to and paid for by the customers according to their shipping preferences when ordered from the GPF site. |
GPF Pre-Kickstarter Campaign
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