Declaration Letter  *  "WOKE" Gear

TBM offers brothas/sistas everywhere (who are activists, upstanding...and WOKE)
the opportunity to make an impact on the world scene by declaring to the world:

"We are the creators of the 'WOKE' Movement...and we are the authorities on it!
We define its meaning...
...NO ONE ELSE!!!"

TBM currently offers the following
ways to TAKE BACK the WORD:

Declaration From the Black/Melanated to Reclaim "Woke"
(Letter the Black/Melanated populace can copy and send to conservative political, and media, personnel.)

Buy/Sell "WOKE" Gear

(Gear featuring "WOKE" images designed by TBM Black supporters may buy/sell.)

Contact TBM for details/inquiries.

And, remember: STAY WOKE!!!...because
only our enemies want us to remain asleep.